@article{oai:hirosaki.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003600, author = {Harada, Ken and Tamai, Katsuto and Nakano, Hajime and Sasaki, Chiaki and Hanada, Katsumi and Hashimoto, Isao and Sawamura, Daisuke}, issue = {1}, journal = {弘前医学}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, 230-kD bullous pemphigoid antigen (BPAG1) is known as an autoantigen in bullous pemphigoid and is expressed exclusively in proliferating basal keratinocytes. TGF-β is a growth factor that has pleiotropic effects on a wide range of target cells and induces differentiation of basal keratinocytes. Therefore. TGF-β is postulated to inhibit BPAG1 expression. However. previous report conversely demonstrated an increase of BPAG1 expression by TGF-β. In this study. to understand regulatory role of TGF-β on BPAG1 functions. we examined the effect of TGF-β on BPAG1 gene expression using cultured keratinocytes. This study showed that BPAG1 mRNA expression was inhibited by TGF-β1 in concentration higher than 1.0 ng/ml. Furthermore. incubation of the cells with TGF-β1 in the presence of cycloheximide demonstrated that newly synthesized protein was required for BPAG1 regulation. To understand the detailed mechanisms of BPAGI modulation by TGF-β, we preformed transient transfection assay with a BPAGI promoter-CAT construct to know the detailed mechanisms of BPAG1 modulation by TGF-β. The results revealed that calcium and IFN-γ inhibited BPAG1 expression at transcriptional level, but TGF-β1 is not responsible for that transcriptional inhibition, suggesting that TGF-β may have differential molecular mechanism for down-regulation of BPAG1 gene expression from the events induced by IFN-γ., 弘前医学. 59, 2007, p.7-14}, pages = {7--14}, title = {Inhibitory Effect of TGF-β on Expression of 230KD Bullous Pemphigoid Antigen}, volume = {59}, year = {2007} }