@article{oai:hirosaki.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005509, author = {片岡, 郁美 and 川嶋, 柳子 and 坪田, 裕美子 and 吹越, 由美子 and 川嶋, 啓明 and 福田, 春彦 and 柏倉, 幾郎}, issue = {1-4}, journal = {弘前医学}, month = {Mar}, note = {マンモグラフィ検診において,高濃度乳房の場合は受診者へ通知する体制の整備が検討されているが,高濃度乳房についての理解度の低さが懸念されている.本研究では,2017年10月に八戸市で実施した乳がん啓発イベントに来場した187名を対象に,高濃度乳房の理解度と通知希望をアンケート調査した.その結果,高濃度乳房の理解度は「意味を知っている」が20名(10.7%)と低かったが,このうち高濃度乳房の通知希望は18名(90%)であった.さらに,高濃度乳房の理解度は,40歳未満と40歳以上との間に有意な差はなかったが,受診歴のある人とない人の比較では,「意味を知っている」は受診歴のある人が受診歴のない人に比べ有意に多かった.以上の結果から,マンモグラフィ検診における高濃度乳房の理解度の低さが明らかとなると共に,理解度は受診歴の有無に影響されることが示唆された. While a system for informing examinees when dense breast is noted during mammography screening is currently being considered, there is concern about a low understanding of the implications of dense breast.A questionnaire survey on the degree of comprehension of dense breast was conducted among 187 people who attended the breast cancer enlightenment event held in Hachinohe city in October 2017. The results showed that the comprehension of dense breast was extremely low, as only 20 people (10.7%) said that they “understood the meaning”; however, 18 of them (90%) stated that they would like to be made aware of findings of dense breast. In addition, although there was no significant difference in the degree of comprehension of dense breast between the examinees <40 and ≧40 years of age, the degree of comprehension of dense breast was significantly greater in those who had a consultation history than in those with no such history. The present findings reflect a low understanding about dense breast in mammography screening and suggest that the degree of comprehension is influenced by thepresence or absence of a consultation history.}, pages = {28--34}, title = {マンモグラフィ検診における高濃度乳房の理解度調査}, volume = {69}, year = {2019} }