@article{oai:hirosaki.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005512, author = {中川, 孝子 and 藤田, あけみ and 西沢, 義子}, issue = {1-4}, journal = {弘前医学}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究の目的は,「認知症高齢者のその人らしさを尊重したケア」に関する認識と実践の実態とその影響要因を明らかにすることである.全国329か所のグループホームのうち研究同意の得られた32施設のケア提供者250名を対象に先行研究で得られたその人らしさを尊重したケアを示す14項目についての認識と実施に関する質問紙調査を行った.その結果,「その人らしさを尊重したケア」14項目とも十分認識されていたが,実施は有意に低かった.「その人らしさを尊重したケア」14項目に影響する要因は,僅かではあるが,認知症ケア経験年数が14項目中4 項目に影響し,研修回数が1 項目に影響していた. This study aimed to examine the actual state of awareness regarding care that respects individuality for elderly persons with dementia, as well as its implementation and influencing factors. The subjects were 250 care providers from 32 facilities who were recruited from the 329 group homes across Japan and consented to participate in this study. The subjects completed questionnaire surveys with 14 items that, according to a previous study, indicate care that respects individuality. The results revealed that while there is ample awareness for all 14 survey items regarding care that respects individuality, its implementation was significantly low. It appears to be that years of experience with dementia care influences four of 14 survey items and numbers of training times influences one of 14 survey items.}, pages = {57--65}, title = {認知症高齢者グループホームにおける「その人らしさを尊重したケア」の実態と影響要因}, volume = {69}, year = {2019} }